Thursday, April 29, 2010


Sons and daughters of the earth, steep yourself in the sea of matter,
bathe in its fiery waters, for it is the source of your life and your youthfulness.

You thought you could do without it because the power of thought has been kindled in you? You hoped that the more thoroughly you rejected the tangible, the closer you would be to spirit: that you would be more divine if you lived in the world of pure thought, or at least more angelic if you fled the corporeal?
Well, you were like to have perished of hunger.

You must have oil for your limbs, blood for your veins, water for your soul, the world of reality for your intellect: do you not see that the very law of your own nature makes these a necessity for you?

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ever Wonder

Why do we think religion when we say spirit? Or why are those who say they are spiritual, not religious, have such a hard time stating what that means as they slip into some quasi-mystical aloofness? Why are the religious so insistent on traditional practices (ex: rock music or traditional hymns) when most of their religions began by breaking open calcified traditions?
We have abandoned soul in our seeking spirit, and in spirit we abandon the earth. We are more interested in "getting away from" than "getting into."
There are many reasons this has happened and most of them began with the marginalizing of anything that appeared numinous, mysterious, and one time events; curiously, the hallmarks of both religion and spirituality as espoused yet not practiced today.
Maybe its time to reclaim our souls from the Sirens of materialism and spiritualism. What say?