Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Last Thoughts on Souling (for this year)

These are my last thoughts on souling for 2010. No, really.

I am now adjusting my thoughts to include a new image using the number four as borrowed from alchemy. Imagine four color circles all overlapping in the center. As stated in an earlier post, the center created by overlapping circles is the occurrence of souling. However, in adjustment of my earlier thoughts, I would add another "petal." To mind, body, spirit, I now add emotions (heart). Where these four overlap, the space of souling is created. Therefore, by definition, if one of these aspects of souling is missing, no souling takes place although the "trappings" of spiritual behavior may appear to be soul-based. Indeed, modern Christianity (in my view, the religion I know best) is a good example of such a deflowered faith, taking off in one direction or another rather than struggling with the balance of all four characteristics.

For those of the Jungian persuasion, I place the four petals as the feeling, thinking, intuitive, sensing functions. The central overlapping is souling both within an individual as well as within any human organization. Whenever one of these aspects of souling is absent, souling is not possible. This is the reason why religious institutions, non-profit charitable organizations, and other human gatherings, especially those with "higher" purposes, crash and burn. Either one or more of these petals has died or been picked. Each petal needs the nurture of attention and exercise. No petal can be discarded for in doing so, souling ceases.

This sacred season, I especially encourage those who are living disquiet or worse - soulless - lives to reflect on their lives to see if one or more of these petals needs attention and reach out to the many ways any of these petals can be reclaimed and energized.